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今回のこのCDは、ショパンの中で最もよく知られている曲たち、私が子供の頃から弾いてみたかった曲たちです。録音は、天井の高さ韓国一を誇るAkdangEban(樂黨利班)というスタジオで行わました。響きの良いスタジオで、スタインウェイの素晴らしいピアノにも恵まれ、幸せな時間となりました。20年来の友人で、良きアドバイザーでもあるトーンマイスターのKim Mina はじめ、忍耐強く見守ってくれたレコーディングスタッフの皆様、ジャケット制作のstudio ANGCHに心から感謝の意を表したいと思います。
仲村渠 悠子
Chopin therapy
Chopin has been my number one favorite composer ever since I heard his music played on TV commercials when I was a child. Chopin's music was completely different from Czerny, Burgmüller, and Sonatine, which I was practicing at that time, and I felt that it was an adult-like piece. Although he is my favorite composer, when it comes to playing his music, it’s pretty challenging. My emotions get ahead of me, and when I try to sing with my muscular hands, the rubato gets heavy and it's not easy to play like I imagined. It requires flexible fingers and wrists.
This CD presents some of Chopin's most well-known pieces, pieces that I have wanted to play since I was a child.The recording was done at a studio called AkdangEban in South Korea. This studio boasts of the highest ceiling clear sound effect in South Korea and has an unmatched echo sound. I was blessed with the opportunity to play and record tickling the ivories of a wonderful Steinway piano. The recording was a remarkable time for me.I would like to express my sincere thanks to Tone Meister Kim Mina, who has been my friend and good advisor for 20 years, as well as the recording staff for their support and patience, and to studio ANGCH for the jacket production.
Chopin's music delights sorrow and colors even despair beautifully. The moment I return to silence, I am filled with gratitude. I would appreciate it if you could accord with me when you listen to this CD, which I have put together earnestly.
Yuko Nakandakari
夜想曲第2番 変ホ長調 作品9-2
Nocturne No.2 in Eflat major op.9-2
ワルツ第6番 変ニ長調 作品64-1《小犬のワルツ》
Waltz No.6 D flat major op. 64-1
即興曲第4番 嬰ハ短調 作品66《幻想即興曲》
Impromptu No. 4 in C sharp minor op.66 " Fantasie-Impromptu"
夜想曲第17番 ロ長調 作品62-1 Nocturne No. 17 in B major op.62-1
バラード第一番 ト短調 作品23
Ballade No. 1 in G minor op.23
スケルツォ第2番 変ロ短調 作品31
Scherzo No. 2 B flat minor op.31
¥3,300 税込